Make a Gift to the School of Music
Garnet Ebony Fund
As the flagship music program in the state of South Carolina, the USC School of Music and the unit's Associate Dean of Inclusive Excellence hope to lead the charge of creating an environment and a broader community that values and is strengthened by many different backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences. The Garnet Ebony Fund is part of the school’s goal of increasing diversity and the inclusion of underrepresented minority groups in the School of Music at the University of South Carolina.
The Garnet Ebony Fund is designed to support academic research and scholarship related to Black and African diasporic music genres, including African American, Afro-America, Afro-Asian, Afro-Latino, and/or African cultures. Activities eligible for funding include travel to competitions, conferences, workshops, master classes, assist with professional attire, rehearsal fees, portfolio development, and increasing other performance and academic networking opportunities pursued by students, staff, and faculty.
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